Tuesday, February 07, 2006

#8 Two Firsts


I'm posting these two pieces together because they're almost exact opposites. The first track is the result of a Thursday night session involving friend of The Mugs Dennis Murphy and myself. We've played together before in a group setting, but this was our first attempt at putting something together with just two people. Because neither of us really plays drums, we assembled this jam in an assbackwards piecemeal fashion: bass & guitar1 (left channel) -> drums (1 overheard mic) & guitar2 (right channel) -> bass & organ. I scrapped the first bass part and used the second take because it better lined up with the drum overdub. It loses traction here and there, but the organ really ties everything together regardless.

Dennis just finished up an album with some other folks. You can enjoy it here.

Nick's Tune

This second track is a solo piece by Nick. It started with him experimenting with microphone arrangements for the drums and building from that foundation. I'm not sure about the specifics of how this all went down, but I hear: drums, guitar, bass, organ, and voice. I'm often impressed with Nick's ability to find a melody, particularly ones with such clarity and depth. Here he effortlessly makes two chords sound like so much more. This is also a first, because he did some mixing. I find the reverb treats the music well and really creates a nice peaceful space. Jeremy dubbed this a headphone track and I tend to agree.


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