Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Recording 201

Hello all
We've received some requests that we tighten up the file formats for quicker downloading. Consider it done. I'm happy to say that people have responded positively to having access to this growing archive so we're going to start making it more user friendly. Expect the following changes:

- no more .wav files; only .mp3 or .m4a
- all files will be zipped
- total track time will be included in the post
- total file size will be listed in the post

Beyond that, we're going to be inviting more non Mugs performers into the space to diversify the sonic pallette and get more voices out there.

Also, if you would like a download edited, contact: mail@themugs.com. Let us know the track's date/name and what changes are desired. For example, we can isolate a 5 minute section inside of a 30+min jam. And/or, we can tighten an overall mix or the specific sound of an instrument(s).

Feedback is always encouraged.

The experimentation continues...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just want to say you guys are great. Found your album at Music Matters in BK and cant stop listening. Just moved from Brooklyn to Chicago and still havent seen you guys live. When are you going to leave NYC and tour (mainly just seeing when you guys will be in Chicago).

8:58 PM  
Blogger the mugs said...

Thanks for the great feedback. We are actually working pretty hard to make it to Chicago in May for Memorial Day weekend. Any recommendations about where to book some shows?

6:34 PM  

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